Monday, January 29, 2007

technicolor hurl

Believe it or not, I'd like to think that I played at least a minor role in the dismissal of this Sterling Hayter and Marcel Duchamp hanger-on from the Fine Arts faculty of my alma mater.


Blogger qbitty said...

i thot buddha teh shakyamuni was b0rn april 8th, but i mean there are countless of 'em & they're all One, so who really keeps track of birth/death dates anymo? not i. mebbe the s.korean buddha teh 8th was just celebrated there?

also, i am z0tl and just coz i practice rinzai zen sitting don't mean i gots jackshit to do with the buddha:z.

i gots enough of my own dogma to bother with any other.

3:26 PM  

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